[Official MCAT News from the  Association of American Medical Colleges]

Vol 1 Issue 16

[Make the  Most of Your Winter Break]

With the semester coming to a close in just a few weeks, the countdown to winter break has begun! With a chance to recharge, relax, and spend time with family and friends, winter break can also be a perfect time to think about how you are preparing for the MCAT exam.

Whether you've already begun or are just getting started, here are 6 things you can do over the break to help you prepare for the exam:

  1.  Explore the What's on the MCAT Exam?<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/76423058:7m7Q_gy-N:m:1:2692870743:BB9B04323E69AC1B6C04A8D0F76164A7:r> interactive tool. Whether you have just started to study for the MCAT exam or are only a few weeks away from taking the exam, this tool includes the entire content list of topics and skills that are tested. Review all the content, watch videos, and check out sample questions. Becoming familiar with this tool and referring to it often will help you throughout your preparation.
  2.  Test your knowledge with a free Mini-Test e-book<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/76423059:7m7Q_gy-N:m:1:2692870743:BB9B04323E69AC1B6C04A8D0F76164A7:r>. Created by the MCAT test developers, take this 12-question mini-test to test your knowledge of the concepts and skills tested on the MCAT exam. You'll be able to review the correct answers with explanations.
  3.  Practice with the features of the MCAT exam<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/76423060:7m7Q_gy-N:m:1:2692870743:BB9B04323E69AC1B6C04A8D0F76164A7:r>. Like any other standardized exam, the MCAT exam has unique features and functionality specific to the MCAT exam. Get comfortable with selecting an answer, striking-out an answer, highlighting a passage, and more! Learn how to use the features and then practice with a sample passage and associated questions.
  4.  Discover the Khan Academy MCAT Collection<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/76423061:7m7Q_gy-N:m:1:2692870743:BB9B04323E69AC1B6C04A8D0F76164A7:r>. This online, free, open-access collection includes 1,100 videos and 3,000 review questions that cover the entire content of the MCAT exam. Brush up on familiar topics or learn new material you haven't yet learned in your courses!
  5.  Develop a study plan. Creating a study plan is one way to keep yourself organized and on track as you prepare for test day. To help you get started, the AAMC is developing a study guide that you can tailor to your own study habits. Follow @AAMC_MCAT<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/76423062:7m7Q_gy-N:m:1:2692870743:BB9B04323E69AC1B6C04A8D0F76164A7:r> for updates!
  6.  Read through your MCAT Essentials<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/76423063:7m7Q_gy-N:m:1:2692870743:BB9B04323E69AC1B6C04A8D0F76164A7:r>. If you're approaching your exam date in January or going to register soon, remember that your MCAT Essentials covers everything you need to know about registration, scores, test day, and post-test day policies and procedures. Having a good understanding of all the policies and procedures ahead of registering or taking your MCAT exam will help you have a more positive exam experience. Be sure to bookmark for future reference!

Don't forget to visit the MCAT website<http://echo4.bluehornet.com/ct/76423064:7m7Q_gy-N:m:1:2692870743:BB9B04323E69AC1B6C04A8D0F76164A7:r> for information about registration, preparing, and test day!

Good luck with finals!

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Association of American Medical Colleges, 655 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001