Hey Everyone,

I have received several emails about the free CPR lessons. You need to be a registered Red Cross Volunteer with at least 10 hours documented. 

Prospective members above the age of 18 use this link:


Prospective members under the age of 18, use this link: 


Choose ' The Greater New York Area" as your chapter. 


Make sure you are under Hunter College and not Hunter Highschool. 

You can check by logging into this website:


Click or hover your mouse over "My Groups", it should say NYC Youth Services Hunter College


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The free CPR lessons started already, there are multiple locations throughout the boroughs. We will send out specific addresses of where the classes are located in the near future.

I had a friend who was recently CPR certified, these are some pictures of what it would look like.


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Disaster Services Overview Course


A few of you expressed your interest to participate in Red Cross specific Events. I have created a poll with some random dates in mind for a DSO class to be held. If we can all select one day, we'll be in business. I've included a link to a poll below. You will also receive volunteer hours for attending the course.


The class covers the entire disaster cycle- how to prepare for disasters, how to respond to them, and how to recover from them. 
The class is expected to be 45 minutes to 1 hour. With a tour of communications and the garage where response vehicles are held ! 

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the various volunteer opportunities available for American Red Cross volunteers in the Greater New York Area; Response, Communications, Logistics etc.

There are no limitations on seating.






Most Dental schools require at least 50-100 hours of shadowing. For example, Tufts require at least 75 hours and 40 of those hours have to be general dentistry. The main point is to be well-rounded, try shadowing multiple specialties 20-30 hours each. I will be calling multiple dentists in all boroughs for the next 2 months and hopefully all the Pre-Dents who applied for the shadowing application will be paired up by the end of January. Like I previously mentioned in the last meeting, if you didn't get paired up then you can call/go to different dental clinics to ask for shadowing opportunities. In addition, you have a higher chance of getting a shadowing opportunity in a hospital and there are multiple specialties accessible in one place.



When it comes down to volunteering, not only you should do it because it's good for the community/dental applications but also because it is something you are passionate in. For example, I have a friend who has an autistic sister and he helps autistic children with learning. Don't just volunteer for any soup kitchens, maybe you want to volunteer for a kosher soup kitchen(I led this event last Wednesday) because religion matters to you. Volunteering can include helping veterans to helping underprivileged students with education. In the Red Cross, we are trying to include more volunteering opportunities aside from soup kitchens. Recently, we tutored middle school students in the Bronx and we have a gingerbread house event with elementary students next Wednesday. 


Finally, I attached the excel sheet of important statistical data in becoming a dental student such as average DAT scores, average GPA of the accepted students, tuition costs and etc. The excel spreadsheet hasn't been updated since this summer, so the data does not take in consideration for this application cycle. I have noticed was that the tuition costs and average DAT scores went up. For example, the tuition cost for NYU dental school was around $67,500 but this year on their website it states $71,000. Also, the average DAT scores are increasing by nearly a point every year for Dental schools in the New York State. Even though the average DAT scores may seem high, it is important to understand it is just an average. They will accept Pre-Dents with stellar extracurricular activities despite having a low GPA or DAT scores.  


Good Luck on your finals and may the curve be in your favor.



Jimmy Liu

Director of Shadowing and Volunteer



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"I've been to the dentist several times so I know the drill. ~Unknown


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