
My name is Molly Perini and I am a Quality & Systems Improvement Director at the American Heart Association. I am reaching out regarding a paid internship opportunity with my department. I'm hoping that you might be able to share this listing with your post-baccalaureate pre-medicine students.

Please direct them to the following job posting for more information & to apply: Internship Opportunity: Heart Attack Systems of Care (Mission: Lifeline)<https://heart-openhire.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=5449&source=ONLINE&JobOwner=992282&company_id=16415&version=1&byBusinessUnit=NULL&bycountry=0&bystate=0&byRegion=&bylocation=&keywords=founders&byCat=&proximityCountry=&postalCode=&radiusDistance=&isKilometers=&tosearch=yes&city=>

Thank you,

Molly Perini
Mission: Lifeline Director
Founders Affiliate

122 E 42nd Street, 18th Floor  |  New York, NY 10168
innovation is why

