AACOM is very pleased to share with you and your premedical students, the most current data on the nation’s Osteopathic Medical Colleges Entering Class of 2015<http://www.aacom.org/docs/default-source/data-and-trends/2015_mat.pdf?sfvrsn=8>.  We encourage you and your students to bookmark our Reports, Programs and Initiatives<http://www.aacom.org/reports-programs-initiatives> page at: http://www.aacom.org/reports-programs-initiatives

Other great ways to stay connected and learn more about opportunities to meet admission officers, current medical students and to visit our medical schools across the country, are at AACOM’s Recruitment Events<http://www.aacom.org/news-and-events/events/recruiting> and AACOMAS Facebook page<https://www.facebook.com/AACOMAS/>.

Gina M. Moses, M.Ed.
Associate Director of Recruitment and Application Services

American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
5550 Friendship Blvd, Suite 310 | Chevy Chase, MD 20815
www.aacom.org<http://www.aacom.org/> | facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pages/AACOM-The-American-Association-of-Colleges-of-Osteopathic-Medicine/49933236324> | twitter<http://www.twitter.com/aacommunities>