Red Cross Volunteers,


I received an email this weekend,


Jenny Kessman is a volunteer for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, in memory of her mom who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2014 she is hosting her annual 5k, PurpleStride NYC, on Saturday April 9 in Prospect Park


She is trying to raise $700,000 for pancreatic cancer awareness because it’s the third deadliest and one of the smallest funded cancers. There's a 5% survival rate it's awful.


Now, Given that this was brought to my attention on short notice, I am not able to create a team in time. You may walk individually at this event and/or volunteer in the open positions they have available.


1. Go to to register as a volunteer.

--> Register as an individual! We didn't have time to create the team!


2. After you are registered on the website above, go to to sign up for your preferred time slot and volunteer assignment.




Submit your hours on volunteer connections for approval after volunteering for this event.



Ryan A. Sankar

President of the American Red Cross at Hunter College