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VMCAS 2017 is coming down the road a lot faster than most pre-veterinary students hoped it would! The application launches on May 11, 2016, and the deadline is September 15th, 2016 at 12 midnight eastern time.

"We've made every attempt to minimize the number of changes to the application service this year. Having just implemented the upgrade to the new VMCAS 3.0 platform last year, letting the service stabilize will benefit applicants and schools alike," says Tony Wynne, Director of the Veterinary Medical College Application Service. However, there are a couple of operational changes that will impact applicants in the VMCAS 2017 cycle:

VMCAS is not offering professional transcript entry this year. Applicants must enter their own coursework | Expansion of the High School information block |  GRE Scores are being sent to VMCAS directly this year. Applicants select the "VMCAS" school selection when selecting schools.

Applicants this year are strongly urged to make every attempt to submit their application by August 15, 2016 to ensure there is proper time for their application to get through the transcript verification process. While this is not a deadline, we have found that giving this extra time significantly reduces applicant anxiety and eases the systemic backlogs. 



2016 NAAHP National Conference

Minneapolis, MN  June 15th - 19th, 2016: This conference is being developed for pre-health academic advisors, faculty and career counselors working with students pursuing a health career. Participants will be able to learn about current, best practices in serving this student population. Minnesota is known for its inter-professional education and practice in health and innovation in higher education and health care models. Conference participants will have the opportunity to learn new strategies for student advisement and to network with national leaders. The conference will offer an exciting learning environment to acquire knowledge and tools to serve pre-health students back home in their colleges and universities.

The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions is an organization of over 1400 health professions advisors at colleges and universities throughout the United States, and abroad.


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Tips on the VMCAS Personal Statement

Questions about the personal statements are one of the most common qestions we receive here at VMCAS.  Applicants view the personal statement as the second most "scary" part of the application, after entering coursework. Here are a few tips to help ease the anxiety:

1. Do not regurgitate experiences and other data already existing on other parts of the application.

2. Write about your knowledge of the veterinary profession.

3. Include information about who you are as a person and what diveristy you might bring to the institution.

4. Include information about why you'd be a good candidate.


Fix The Debt Summit

(EAST LANSING, Michigan) April 26, 2016 – Veterinary student debt is an increasingly critical issue that can be alleviated by employing a number of different approaches, from a streamlined curricula to increasing scholarship opportunities, higher starting salaries, lobbying federal lawmakers for legislation to lower interest rates on student loans, and creating a national plan for reducing the debt-to-income ratio (DIR).

These were among the recommendations offered by a group of committed participants in the FIX THE DEBT…Our Future, Our Responsibility summit, as the profession works to find ways to reduce the burden on students and veterinarians alike. The summit, organized jointly by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) and Michigan State University (MSU) College of Veterinary Medicine, brought together approximately 180 individuals, which included veterinary students and recent graduates, representatives from veterinary medical colleges, veterinary employers, and governmental agencies and veterinary associations.

The participants tackled student debt and other financial issues that impact young veterinary professionals. The collective goal over the three-day summit was to agree on specific strategies to address the many facets of this complex challenge, with the goal of reducing the DIR, which is an indicator of the financial health of the veterinarian entering the profession. The DIR currently stands at about 2:1, representing a level of educational debt approximately twice the level of starting income.


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The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) spends lots of time collecting, sorting and interpreting data that we receive from numerous sources throughout the year. Tim Shanahan, AAVMC's Data Analyst / Program Manager is the key to making sense of the data and putting together the pieces that we use to tell our veterinary medical education story. See the first installment of the AAVMC Data Corner Series, " Applicants: Advising, Finances & Submitting Applications ", by clicking  below.


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Attending one of the AAVMC's webinars is a great way to learn more about the application process, inderstanding how to prepare in undergraduate school, and even attend a VMCAS workshop! To learn more about our webinar series, click below.


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Helpful Tips for VMCAS

·         Read the application information and instructions carefully!

·         Apply early!

·         All VMCAS application materials (web application and evaluations are due on September 15, 2016 @ 12 Midnight Eastern Time.

·         It is your responsibility to ensure that all application materials are submitted properly and by the appropriate deadline.

·         The Web application opens in May, 2016.

·         Complete the prerequisite courses required by the colleges. You can find a complete list of prerequisites HERE .

·         As of last year, many schools have discontinued external supplemental applications in favor of placing additional questions into the program materials section of VMCAS. Be sure to check with your school(s) to determine supplemental status.

·         Consult your pre-health advisor for assistance with your personal statement.

·         Remember, it is safer to complete and deliver your application early!

·         Review the COLLEGE DESCRIPTOR PAGES to determine college-specific requirements.

·         Set up your VMCAS account immediately to obtain (and write down) your VMCAS ID.

·         Print your application before you submit for your records. You will not be able to print a copy of your application once the application officially closes.

·         Review your application for accuracy before submitting.


Write for Pathways!

We publish four editions of the Pathways newsletter every month that target specific readers based on their current academic status:  High School (+ Parents); College Freshmen/Sophomore (+ Parents); Veterinary School Applicants (+ Parents); & Pre-Veterinary / Pre-Health Advisors.
If you want to share your story / information with the Pathways readership (about 6,000 current subscribers), then click on the button below to submit your article today!


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The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
1101 Vermont Avenue, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20005