Hey everyone,

We managed to get additional seats for a Beautification event this Saturday.
Link to register is Click me for May14th!<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W9qUlBgRAMiGGD1mLgROSHMTI5roX8JJuaYbkVtB1cc/edit?usp=sharing>

Event: School Beautification

When: Saturday, May 14th; 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Where: Grant Ave. Elementary, 250 E. 164th Street, Bronx

Why: Volunteers turn dreary walls into breathtaking hand-painted murals, plant fresh gardens, and revitalize tired libraries. CFK's beautification projects help to make schools more welcoming and inspiring!

We will meet up at the event location a few minutes before, so please aim to be there by 9:15 AM.

**Total of 25 spots are available for this event**

There are also 3 spots left for an event we have tomorrow, May 12th.

Click me for May 12th!<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZEQgN7afnqK3OgRUEBjgiREoJ6dq9NSn3gGPqwniV0o/edit?usp=sharing>

Event: Grant Ave. Science Night-Family Workshop

Why: Families and students engage in activities and discussions based on scientific themes. Volunteers help to manage stations desired to help students and their families learn more about everyday science.

When: Thurs, May 12th, 4:30pm – 7:30pm

Where: Grant Avenue is located at 250 E 164th St, Bronx, NY 10456

Be sure to arrive early around 4:15 for attendance.

**Total of 8 spots are available for this event**

Ryan A. Sankar
President of the American Red Cross at Hunter College