
Two dates in September - From the comfort of your home.

Health Professions Week Virtual Fair

Explore. Learn. Pursue.
Sept. 26 & 30, 2016

Health Professions Week (HPW) is an exciting week-long event for high school and college students interested in learning more about careers in the health professions.

REGISTER TODAY!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Jgc3WiCEcMMc1khKN44R1GoJf7I0sEtYIamkenywHdvKCtJ_-oU7-6VlL3WO4yLhs0LGGzv8FoKc6ssOcKcm40wNhiChndxRogPGMsQqkF2MrJw4qm9_-a3Km30n-Gpa3sivRq4zyUv95s-zdMzp7azY1YmQHSulf3TcvC9SdrBD_Tuo4umYSpFmObZD_2jzoI0tRn1e4N7h90kHQpPt8RQTfkvoL-7-_bcpPReaYFYP7MJUb_9-lQ==&c=mqrKQP3-mHbDPjdBSpJi-nWH1x0pGh0iLK-Rd1JzydamPN_1OBDUwQ==&ch=zZVM-E-q3CBnTdDx1pIv9Hy0sl-jnpOxwHrqd2K-L3kTd6Yigq3MOA==>


Join AANMC and 18 health professions to discover the opportunities available to you in the health field in this free online event for high school students, counselors, undergrads and advisors. Great for people considering changing careers or interesting in starting a career in the health professions.