Get to meet reps from naturopathic medical colleges, without leaving your home!



Here's Your Chance to "Virtually" Meet

Representatives from our 7 Accredited Naturopathic Programs 


Free for all prospective students to attend!



WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 2nd 2016
This is an all-day event that you can join at any time. 
WHERE: Online





Are you looking to learn more about a career in naturopathic medicine? Our annual virtual fair is the best first step to take as you pursue this journey. 


Representatives, alumni, and current students from our 7 accredited programs will be on hand to answer all of your questions. The best part? You can "virtually" meet these reps from the comfort of your home.


This is easily our most popular event of the year.

Be sure to reserve your spot today! 



AANMC - Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges | 818 18th Street NW, Suite 250,, Washington, DC 20006