Dear Students,

      As you know, Hunter college is an institution which highly values the experience of research for undergraduate students. Currently, we are seeking to establish a journal celebrating the excellent work of undergraduate researchers across all disciplines. This journal will provide students the opportunity to publish the results of their research, provide resources to aid them in their academic journey both at Hunter and beyond, and build a network of students connected through their publication efforts across the fields of academic interest. 

      We are seeking a dedicated team of editors, content creators, and designers to ensure this journal reaches its full potential. Over the course of this and next week, we will be conducting interviews for these positions. If you are interested  please apply using the application links below.

 Link to application for Creative DirectorGraphic DesignerPhotographer, and Artists:


Link to application for Editorial Team and Pitch Submission:


Elizabeth Gorodetsky

President and Co-Editor in Chief

Brigid Maloney

Vice President and Co-Editor in Chief 

Shirley Qian

Secretary and Managing Director

Sadaf Ayaz

Treasurer and Managing Director