Next Step’s Upcoming Pre-med Webinars

Next Step Test Prep is dedicated to providing pre-health students and advisors with great free events throughout the year.  Through our events, we provide students and advisors with access to information on the test prep, admissions, and many other topics relevant to the premed community. We also have Public Office Hour sessions about once a month. These sessions, taught by our most senior instructors, give students a preview of what our class students have access to.


MCAT Public Office Hours: Study Techniques for Memorizing MCAT Science
Tue, October 24th @ 7:30pm-9:30pm ET

This session will be led by Dr. Anthony who has over 10 years of teaching and tutoring experience and has played an integral role in the development of our MCAT materials. Dr. Anthony will discuss techniques that can help you memorize some of the more content-heavy areas of MCAT science. As in all of our sessions, we encourage student participation. This is your chance to ask an expert any MCAT questions that may have been bothering you!

MCAT Super Review – Amino Acids
Sun, November 5th @ 6:00pm-9:00pm ET

Join us for a free review session on one of the most commonly accessed MCAT topics: amino acids. Questions about their structure, function, and behavior are almost certain to appear on both the Chemical & Physical Foundations and the Biological & Biochemical Foundations sections of the exam. Join Clara Gillan, as she walks you through material that you need to know about amino acids – from their general structure to the complexity of their acid-base behavior and its relation to biochemical lab techniques.

MCAT Public Office Hours: Psychology and Sociology Content and Difficult Passage Review
Tue, November 14th @ 7:30pm-9:30pm ET

This session will be led by one of our course instructors, Dr. Anthony, who has over ten years of teaching and tutoring experience and has played an integral role in the development of our MCAT materials. Dr. Anthony will guide you through a review of the psychology and sociology content tested on the MCAT, with a focus on smart study strategies, experimental design and data interpretation, and common points of confusion. Both content and passage strategy will be covered.

MCAT Public Office Hours: Figure & Data Interpretation
Tue, December 19th @ 7:30pm-9:30pm ET

This session will be led by one of our course instructors, Andrew Dombrowski, who has a score of 523 on his own MCAT, nearly 10 years of university-level teaching experience, and a lead role in the development of our exams and other materials. Andrew will guide you through a discussion of figures and data on the MCAT – how to approach data that appears confusing, interpret it successfully, and do all of this under a time constraint. As in all of our sessions, we encourage student participation. This is your chance to ask an expert any MCAT questions that may have been bothering you!


Click here to register.