Hello Hunter Pre-Health Community,

The Pre-Health Diaries, a blog dedicated to all things Pre-Health at Hunter College, is now accepting applications for editing and writing positions. The blog has been around for two years, and is gearing up for a new team!

As an online collaboration of dedicated Hunter pre-health students, they seek to educate themselves and their peers about how to be a successful pre-health student at Hunter. Many times there is a large focus on students who want to be physicians, but there are other types of healthcare careers including nursing, dentistry, and physical therapy among other things. This website exists as a resource for students who want to be all kinds of future healthcare providers.

Besides being a resource for pre-health students, we hope the blog will also be a resource for the entire Hunter student body. There is great scientific research that is being done that most people don't know about. There are important issues in health that students need to know about in order to properly take care of themselves in stressful college environments. As future healthcare providers, our jobs will consist of not only taking care of other people but also teaching them how to care of themselves - and this experience will greatly add to any application to professional programs!

We want to grow this website as much as possible, and we would like to add that The Pre-Health Diaries blog has been getting as many as 100 views per day! We want it to have informative and interesting content. We want people to be excited by it, but we can't do it on our own. In order to make it a success, we need people who are passionate about healthcare and who want to create a lasting legacy. With a lot of hard work and some luck, The Pre-Health Diaries will exist long after we all become healthcare professionals.

If you have friends who you think would like to be a part of The Pre-Health Diaries, please feel free to forward this email to them. If any Hunter pre-health alumni wish to write/edit for the site, please email us and apply as well.

The application deadline is October 15th and we look forward to reading them!

Applications can be found at the following links:

Application link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yjr-omtjMcr4noGtR-dwbcyrSIY9GnPsGS2r8S65ybc/edit#gid=0<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_spreadsheets_d_1yjr-2DomtjMcr4noGtR-2DdwbcyrSIY9GnPsGS2r8S65ybc_edit-23gid-3D0&d=DwMGaQ&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=_HCobFdLvmTnJ5LHSXLop2lmW7tYfuvLYwtDFL6nAtJtbvQn-K6Hi5_1pZVjNXRY&m=X2YMWkhIJB7OZpevQ6yK926zH0rVE9HMjLftWv-efcQ&s=F_LnqwLNxWURg59-703kgyZywDLgtMFRSFGXZ74uWYQ&e=>

Blog website: http://ahealthyhunter.wordpress.com/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__ahealthyhunter.wordpress.com_&d=AwMGaQ&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=_HCobFdLvmTnJ5LHSXLop2lmW7tYfuvLYwtDFL6nAtJtbvQn-K6Hi5_1pZVjNXRY&m=OLoAMUnn772yJIrIchZ3M8HthYvUDBTIunN0kgIrNsY&s=pS6mov-epVLI_thszdB6fRIBQUixkYKiiFN_ioK84ho&e=>

If you have any questions/concerns, please email us at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Warm regards,

Elizabeth Gorodetsky and Victoria Mroz, Co-Editors in Chief
Danielle Golder, Managing Director

Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Website: ahealthyhunter.wordpress.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__ahealthyhunter.wordpress.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=mRWFL96tuqj9V0Jjj4h40ddo0XsmttALwKjAEOCyUjY&r=_HCobFdLvmTnJ5LHSXLop2lmW7tYfuvLYwtDFL6nAtJtbvQn-K6Hi5_1pZVjNXRY&m=CxE98pL5mkWFBAMTs2u88Z7NnPaCPp4CrTVIyzPrts0&s=39eIij08_roZapWL_mJpom44pbapRkueLbaWZNXihtg&e=>


Thank you!


Victoria Mroz
B.A. Biology, Women and Gender Studies, Hunter College, CUNY


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