

Our Online MCAT Course will feature live group office hours.

Sometimes self study isn't enough. That's why Next Step is including live office hours led by our expert instructors. During these sessions, a small group of students will sit in on content review, full length review, and more.

Multiple Sessions Per Week

There will be several hours of live sessions each week. If you can't make a live sessions, we will keep a recording of sessions that can be reviewed at any time.

Sessions include:

  *   Full length exam review
  *   Content review sessions
  *   MCAT strategy for each session of the exam
  *   Open office hours focusing on your specific questions

Expert Instructors

All of our sessions will be led by the same expert instructors teaching the course. Our instructors each scored in the 98th percentile on their own MCAT and have spent years teaching the MCAT.

A little bit of help can go a long way. Our live office hours can help you make sense of the things that you're stuck on. Want to learn more or see our upcoming sessions? Take a look at our Office Hours<https://rd150.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/24328/a0f5c42701cd37f7/2607558/5592d66c32180ca6> page.

Good luck with your MCAT prep!