

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t_2PLYocqtvw_9YRzMT3-y8RC6TFf_OjUPu3A4Y8dhr4lHaEB-6ssw_-sfCVvdC_3EZMVoym9YAmC_dkiPbpLEalbY1ReMaZcYOChayaRmjHcihVh94o7peX0_ZftvusY7Tm4FRPX22R6uTnUW54qmraXJtsIscwCtI3t8HmyVjh_4bwuwX7y4k4px9CfvURTKQgA9NcKU4ihQ3pavYMcyRJN0_UCZoQ&c=CSlnrztc-6a1hd-SddKgk5E9_gn2FTvOob0eafdHl5hmr07Rp46ieQ==&ch=aqFtWLVSSbKvPlT4wW3aHiiU1vdPEyuhc2Vji97IUBFUK375O0Kd7w==>

The nation's need for well-trained physicians and biomedical researchers is greater than ever. MCW-Milwaukee invites you to explore your interests in biomedical sciences through a summer training experience as a research intern.

DSHREP is a competitive program designed to provide research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students from backgrounds that are historically underrepresented in biomedical science.

Qualified diverse students who are accepted into the program are "matched" with an established faculty investigator(s) to participate in research project(s) addressing the causes, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular, pulmonary and hematological diseases.

Learn more about DSHREP with these useful resources. Click on the images below to discover program features, application requirements & deadlines and frequently asked questions.





Learn more about the overall experience by viewing this video.

Now that you know what to anticipate as a participant, take a moment to pull together the following information in preparation for your application submission. Ensure you are prepared with your recommenders: Name, Title, E-mail Address and Phone Number. The application process should take about half an hour, please be sure to allot ample time to complete the form without interruption.

APPLY NOW<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t_2PLYocqtvw_9YRzMT3-y8RC6TFf_OjUPu3A4Y8dhr4lHaEB-6ssw_-sfCVvdC_3EZMVoym9YAmC_dkiPbpLEalbY1ReMaZcYOChayaRmjHcihVh94o7peX0_ZftvusY7Tm4FRPX22R6uTnUW54qmraXJtsIscwCtI3t8HmyVjh_4bwuwX7y4k4px9CfvURTKQgA9NcKU4ihQ3pavYMcyRJN0_UCZoQ&c=CSlnrztc-6a1hd-SddKgk5E9_gn2FTvOob0eafdHl5hmr07Rp46ieQ==&ch=aqFtWLVSSbKvPlT4wW3aHiiU1vdPEyuhc2Vji97IUBFUK375O0Kd7w==>


We are looking forward to the opportunity to expose more students to the unique programs offered through MCW-Milwaukee. Should you have any questions, we are happy to address them. Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Student Inclusion and Academic Enrichment.
Jean Mallett
Program Manager I

Medical College of Wisconsin
Office of Student Inclusion and Academic Enrichment
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: 414.955.8735  |  Fax: 414.955.0129  |  Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>