The 2017-2018 Admissions Test Prep Course Is Starting Soon!

The Princeton Review has been selected as the vendor to administer the following test prep courses: Ultimate MCAT, DAT, GRE, and OAT.

*        Hunter College undergraduates, second degree post baccs, and non-degree students are eligible to take the test prep courses we offer at Deeply discounted rates.

*        Students seeking to sit for the MCAT must have either completed Biochemistry or are currently enrolled in BioChem.

*        The course you choose will be held at a Princeton Review location in Manhattan.

*        Dates and time will be announced.

Here are the rates:

MCAT:        $1249

DAT:           $1120

GRE:           $1040

OAT:           $140/hour

Before you say, NO, check the rates for TPR Ultimate test prep courses online.

To confirm your interest and secure a seat in the class, CLICK HERE<>.