


I have the absolute coolest role at MCW! I get the honor of working with aspiring physicians and researchers starting at the high school level all the way through their professional school submission.

I help reinforce the promise of their potential and demonstrate tangible ways to make this goal a reality. They come to MCW for 6, 7 or 10 weeks and through each program and at every level, I see growth. I see a sense of community established as they look around and take notice of others within their peer group sharing the same desire to change the face to healthcare. Their pride is strengthened knowing that they've been armed with the tools to succeed. Their purpose to defined as they recognize a population of people they get to serve.

DSHREP, ROADS and AIM have the power to change lives.

Jean Mallett
Program Manager I

Learn more about DSHREP with these useful resources. Click on the images below to discover program features, application requirements & deadlines and frequently asked questions.




APPLY NOW<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013D5jnN6mRyAtJCdtrdEIMuKXQgjTZaV5uZQYuJD2_xP-MJ1DyTHRIdaqneQxJT6gBHJnDcYqO6MQSLu405KePVR_Futjn05IR_aik3YI4CgU1v9KUtGle-KWJ6ITK3FANBBVp5akdhU0gsDRArWLC5edX05iynqrKC2W0gQQJt7nANkrOXXiWgkuipZfAqip0eEzwrIjPqhvt-lTS0djX1lBkPzmraQg&c=HiN5GLHdWGjlhJ4I0ZHt1AJpB8BL4x2Lb5qdUa_uBGCc33M99nQSAQ==&ch=TARuP0L1CyQj-THWL0uOHfqppCBP3WGJ2Ed73V8c3NCYbBWunZC5DQ==>

Medical College of Wisconsin
Office of Student Inclusion and Academic Enrichment
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: 414.955.8735  |  Fax: 414.955.0129  |  Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>