Jack Westin

MCAT Question of the Day


Elizabethan Tragedy and Sin - New Passage



"The link between the medieval morality play and the Elizabethan drama is the Chronicle play. If few of the pre-Shakespearian chronicle plays except Marlowe's Edward II are now readable, nothing could have been more fortunate for Shakespeare’s development as a dramatist than his being compelled for his livelihood—judging by his early poems, his youthful taste was something much less coarse—to face the problems which the chronicle play poses."





How to improve your CARS Score
Interview with Medical School HQ

"Jack Westin is helping students of all shapes and sizes, as well as all skill levels, to improve their CARS (Critical Analysis and Reasoning) Section on the MCAT. It's the new version of verbal reasoning, which used to kill people on the MCAT. CARS still kills people on the MCAT, especially if you are an ESL student. "


Listen Now



Recognition of Differences - Solution

November 28

Educational settings require the recognition of differences.




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