

You are an integral part of filling the inclusion pipeline of tomorrow's physicians.

DSHREP, ROADS and AIM have the power to change lives.

DSHREP is a ten-week program where undergraduate and graduate students are provided with information about career opportunities in medicine and biomedical research in an invigorating educational environment. The intention of this program is to develop an understanding of critical issues in basic science and clinical research. DSHREP is supported through an R25 research education grant funded by National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute (NHLBI), an agency of National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Recommend an applicant today.


Learn more about DSHREP with these useful resources. Click on the images below to discover program features, application requirements & deadlines and frequently asked questions.




APPLY NOW<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001U8gU2wr1n_LhXsHNUeW08vsspf4e7PSyJRj7Iec7Nj9Oxb8DDqZst1CHHPl0ZThuMl1qTB3gmaB8ppwx41QtYgxHl5zJm1RaKZ2OzYv3u0a8PaRwm_EeiXVhx9m4LFPcKuIW8uOJLPRhG2qaEnsE4AeIHEqz4OFygbTiOBq473_VkamkRDHVSvQGLKOGNI3vJ7pFBH4Vdu1gRLUUO1d3foG9g46sec0V&c=NiKAWNP1aG1kjUP-LhgK-5l4Yw9TWmVV91o8GRYKSxJ2PSfQkbXslQ==&ch=nluQiqLHgdVMf7-2Sj6KZNjeIRlDRW2B723zpSiUMPzNkwFpjg9LDg==>

Medical College of Wisconsin
Office of Student Inclusion and Academic Enrichment
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

Phone: 414.955.8735  |  Fax: 414.955.0129  |  Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>