Thank you to Eman Abbas, NUTR-MS student, for sharing this April 28th special (free) training opportunity @Hunter main campus


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Hunter GSA is hosting a Health Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training and Certification Workshop. This event is open to everyone, so feel free to share it anyone that might be interested. 


Department of Health Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training at Hunter College


Imagine this: your friend or significant other is constantly struggling with stress at work. You notice signs of withdrawal and engagement. They seem exhausted all the time. They tell you they've been experiencing severe headaches and are unable to get enough sleep. As a loved one, you want to be there for them, but how can you help?  


To answer this question, join us on Saturday, April 28th for a free Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training. The MHFA is a groundbreaking public education program that teaches the skills needed to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance abuse challenges and crises.

Training is free and complimentary breakfast and lunch will be served. Sign up today by following the steps below (takes 3 minutes, tops): 

1 - Thrive NYC: Training Certification Registration

2 - Hunter College: Reserve your spot


If you have any questions, feel free to email GSA member, Eman Abbas at [log in to unmask]


See you there. 


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