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Don't let students miss our DAT Bootcamp

May is a big month for MCAT(r) and DAT(r) testing. We have free test practice and study help to get them through this last mile.

DAT Bootcamp is April 22
This 2-hour live online bootcamp lets students focus on problem-solving and important test strategy for the big day. Hurry, spaces are filling fast.
SIGN UP NOW<http://bit.ly/aphbDATPrepForTheWin>

30 Day MCAT Study Plan
Our 1-month MCAT Study Guide is essential for students taking the MCAT. We break down what to study each week and offer plenty of free practice resources.
GET THE PLAN<http://bit.ly/aphbMCATInAMonth>

MCAT Starter Pack
Students get a full week of free access to our MCAT experts, live MCAT teaching sessions, recorded MCAT Channel episodes, and much more.
LEARN MORE<http://bit.ly/aphbMCATFreeTrial>

[Free Events]<http://bit.ly/aoFreeEvents>


[Tuition Assistance]<http://bit.ly/aoTuitionAssistance>





Teach for

Visit kaptest.com<http://www.kaptest.com> or call 1-800-KAP-TEST (1-800-527-8378<tel:18005278378>)
