Pre-Health Discussion Forum: The Vaccination Debate

[]U.S. public health officials and physicians have been combating misconceptions about vaccine safety for over twenty years. They've had mixed success. Despite the fact that numerous studies have found no evidence to support the notion that vaccines cause autism and other chronic illnesses, a growing number of parents are refusing to vaccinate their children. Researchers now link falling immunization rates to recent resurgences of vaccine-preventable diseases.

Attached are some papers on the issue. Please skim them before the discussion. They will provide sufficient background. This discussion will focus on the overwhelming data supporting vaccinations and serves to educate Pre-Health students on the topic.


Pre-Professional Advising

Event Begins:

27 Apr 2018 03:30 PM ET

Event Ends:

27 Apr 2018 04:30 PM ET


Hunter East 710


7th floor East building (by the bridge)
Pre-Professional Advising Center Conference room