Dear Pre-Health Students,

We hope you're having a great break! Just wanted to let you know that we're opening up our leadership applications for the 2024-2025 school year.

Please fill out the application<;!!PxiZbSOawA!NiV3UFxsRMVQ3K10PQnGfrYmpV30HFALsZ5voeNr9529UItXmU4SE5blcIgPpJ7pJbflOkzERPdKpT-ah4o8AY7pW30M94sBeDkF2A$ > if you're interested. The deadline is May 12th, 2024 at midnight.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you all and have a great rest of your break!

MNG Board

[;!!PxiZbSOawA!NiV3UFxsRMVQ3K10PQnGfrYmpV30HFALsZ5voeNr9529UItXmU4SE5blcIgPpJ7pJbflOkzERPdKpT-ah4o8AY7pW30M94tvkveBAg$ ]
Mother Nature's Gift Board at Hunter College
Instagram: mnaturesgift.hunter