I wanted to introduce you to a new career navigation resource called Virgil.  Virgil is a mobile app that enables job seekers to evaluate their competitiveness for +100 careers across 10 different industries including finance, consulting, tech, marketing, media and advertising.  The coolest thing about Virgil is that after it rates your competitiveness in each career, it will recommend a personalized action plan detailing the steps required to enhance your attractiveness as a candidate. 


Virgil is FREE to all students & professionals and can be downloaded from the Apple app store today.  It is listed under "Virgil Careers".  If you don't have an iPhone you can learn more about the app and access it from the web: www.virgilcareers.com

Virgil would LOVE your feedback about the app, both the good and the bad. Please send me any thoughts that you might have - How easy is it to use and how useful are the recommendations? Future versions of the app will include direct links to job postings and enable you to apply directly. 

Sandra Shih (Shoki Se)

Pre-Business Advisor
Hunter College
695 Park Avenue E 1004
New York, NY 10065
(212) 772-4825