September 2006, Week 2


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"L.Wood-Hill" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 8 Sep 2006 10:14:56 -0400
text/plain (56 lines)
Our MAPS chapter (our undergraduate club affiliated with the Student
National Medical Association at Cornell Medical School) has coordinated the
following events for premed students. Students interested in other fields
should become in involved in one the three pre-med clubs at Hunter: MAPS,
Pre-Med or biology.  We cannot bring in people from the other specialties if
we do not know how many people might attend such meetings. So pre-dental,
pre-optometry, pre-pt and pre-vet students need to make their voices heard!
Get involved!  And sign up for the new premed club listserv. Contact Erika
Osorio at [log in to unmask] 

The event at the Penn Club will be filled almost immediately so if you
intend on going register today and be sure to get there before 4PM.  Last
year I arrived at 4:10 and got the last seat in the room--many others stood
for the next 21/2 hours!  And if you can't go after you have registered CALL
and cancel.  Do not embarrass Hunter by being rude and inconsiderate as Penn
has a limited number that can register for this event. Dress appropriately
for this event as the Associate Dean of Admissions will be there to greet
everyone personally!  


The following events have been confirmed:  

Friday, Sept. 15th, 5:30 to 7:30PM: Discussion session.  Topic: siRNA in
Cancer Treatment.

Monday, Sept. 18h, 11:00 AM Downstate Admissions will be at Hunter to talk
to us about admissions and the programs they offer.

Monday, Sept. 18th, 12:00 PM NYU Medical School will be at Hunter to talk to
us about admissions and programs they offer.  

Thursday, Sept. 28th, 11:00 AM UMDNJ School of Osteopathic Medicine will be
at Hunter to talk to us about admissions and the programs they offer.

Thursday, Oct. 5th, from 4-8PM at the Penn Club, 30 West 44th Street, 3rd
floor Univ. of Pennsylvania (the #1 Medical school in the country, even
above Harvard) will have an Open House.  Seats are limited, register online

Monday, Oct. 16th, from at 11AM Cornell Medical School (the dean of
admissions, and admissions commitee head) will be here to talk to us about
admissions and the programs they offer.  

More to be added!  Your attendance is the most important.  We invite these
people to come here, but they must have an audience.  Refreshments will be
served at all these events.  Tell your friends, and invite as many people as
you wish.  

All the best,
